What is Internet Commerce or ecom

What is Internet Commerce or ecom


internet commerce
internet commerce

The idea of internet commerce is about going online to complete business better and faster. It’s about making your organization commit to a significant on-line effort and integrating your website with the essence of your business.

The web is a feasible alternative to all of the conventional ways of conducting business. The opportunities and situations through which internet business can be done are limitless.

In the wonderful world of internet commerce, the area where you conduct business are Websites. Adding an internet site represents a way to improve their business.

In a store, clients simply discover the products and services they need, enter a queue at the till and pay the shop clerk. In internet commerce, orders need to be placed and items shipped.

Clients in a store pay by credit, check or cash/ debit cards. Online clients can’t pay by check or cash, only through electronic means. Internet commerce transactions have to occur through secure electronic connections and special merchant portals for processing payment.

Internet commerce

Delivery fulfilment, in the wonderful world of internet commerce, is harder than in conventional stores, requiring shipping and transportation much like catalogue and mail order companies.

In both regular commerce and ecom, you need to locate a method to attract clients to you. This is epitomized by your online marketing strategy.

On the internet, one simple way to do this is via Google Adwords, where you research keywords related to your site that attract significant numbers of monthly searches.
When a user enters that keyword into a search and you pay Google a certain amount for every click you receive, Google will then rank your site higher in their listings.

You can also market your site by writing articles related to it and posting these (with a link back to your site in your bio) on well-known article directory sites like EzineArticles.com. These sites are free and usually rank well in the search engines.

The idea of ecom is about going online to complete business better and faster. Clients in a store pay by credit, cash or check/ debit cards. Online clients can’t pay by check or cash, only through electronic means. Internet commerce transactions have to occur through secure electronic connections and special merchant portals for processing payment.

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